Sunday, September 30, 2007

In Vino Veritas

This weekend I spent a bunch of time palling around with an old pal, whom I oft reference in this blog. Friday evening I was feeling in the mood for a quiet night in and this pal was more than willing to oblige my desire. After work I quickly ran to get some a fine box of wine for our enjoyment and some sunchips. I later learned that against all logic my pal hates sunchips (though seemed to enjoy them quite a bit after a few glasses of vino). I am still confounded by this discovery. Sunchips have a great multigrain taste that I find irresistible; oh well, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. Anyway, my pal came over and we had some wine on the front porch and then shared a tasty frozen pizza. After doing this, I thought it might be a good idea to sit on top of the porch. There's a sturdy awning and I've wanted to "chill" on top of it for a while. So, we brought the box of wine and my guitar on the roof and proceeded to rock out. We sat on the roof for a long time singing songs and drinking wine. The night ended with an episode of The West Wing, I mean we are political science majors at heart.

Saturday, after shaking cobwebs out of our brains we met up by the Washington Monument for a nice bike. We made it within seven miles of Mount Vernon before we realized that we were quickly losing daylight and should head home. All told I got in thirty-five miles on the bike, I would consider that a decent ride. After going home, showering, and collecting myself I headed over to my pal's house where we watched more West Wing and I drank some more wine. The pal wasn't feeling quite up to wine after the night before so she enjoyed a refreshing Heineken. During the third episode of the West Wing, there was an incident wherein I spilled my wine onto the white carpet of the house I was in. Thanks to quick actions, the carpet now shows very few signs of the carnage.

Finally, it was time to come home and I headed to the bus stop to pick up the D6. After waiting for quite some time my pal suggested that cab would be a quicker route home as there was no bus in sight. I agreed and decided that I should try hailing a taxi to take me back to my place of residence. I flagged one down, told the driver where I wanted to go, and was then told he would not give me a ride. Okay, peculiar, but I tried again. The second cab I hailed did the same thing. The third cab, the same thing. It took the forth cab I tried to get me a ride home. I'm not sure why this happened. I did not have a gun, I was not falling down drunk, and I had plenty of cash. I'm pretty sure refusing me service is against the law, but I didn't have the wherewithal to jot down any pertinent information to lodge a complaint. I eventually made it home and all was well. But seriously, what the hell?

Stay tuned for more news from the city with jackass cab drivers.


Hot Topologic said...

Wine sucks.

Nib High football rules!

Wilshire said...

I agree. PBR. Actually I take that back. Old Rasputin and Yeti ftw.

Hot Topologic said...

PBR and PBS are only one letter away from each other. Conspiracy?


9 + 11 + 11 - 9 = 22

Ramans do everything in 3's.

22 X 3 = 66

The devil!


Wilshire said...

That's what a math degree will get you. Also 4nd!!!

Potomac Rubella said...

What are Ramans? And why is my comment section turning into fark message boards?

Wilshire said...

"If my age you reach, so good you will not look, either."

"That's no moon"

"No man can be a patriot on an empty stomach."

Wilshire said...
